Philodendron tweedianum

Philodendron tweedianum has the unique characteristic of growing prostrate as a creeper, which is unlike the upright growth habit of other meconostigma Philodendron species. It is this characteristic that we seek to introduce into hybrids with more attractive leaves, shorter petioles and colored blooms.

Inflorescences on P. tweedianum are "shy" in that they don't open nearly as wide as those on other meconostigma Philodendron species, as shown in picture below. The female flowers are in just a small group at the very bottom of the spadix, and to date we have observed no pollen on any of the blooms. However, P. tweedianum is fertile in that it is receptive to pollen from other meconostigma Philodendron species and hybrids. Progeny from these crosses are blooming in our collection now.

| In the Lab | In the Field | The Species | Fruiting | The Hybrids |