Philodendron goeldii

This Philodendron displays leaves that are most uncharacteristic of the arborescent Philodendrons in general. A leaf like this is more reminiscent of Dracunculus or Typhonium (Sauromatum) than Philodendron. That, of course, makes it a prime candidate for potentially interesting hybrid progeny.
This magnificent specimen is growing at Fairchild Tropical Garden, and is in full bloom at the time of this picture (March 6, 2005). We also have blooming specimens of this plant in our research collection, although none as spectacular as the specimen depicted here.
For an example of the kind of progeny possible when using this plant as one parent, see our hybrid, Philodendron "African Fantasy".

The blooms on P. goeldii are shown above. P. goeldii is one of the meconostigmas with very gooey, sticky berry flesh, making the seeds harder to clean for planting.
| In the Lab | In the Field | The Species | Fruiting | The Hybrids |