Philodendron paludicola

Philodendron paludicola

Philodendron paludicola plant

We obtained this plant as a large cutting from a good friend. For us, this plant's claim to fame is that it excels when growing with all roots in water, which is exceptional for a meconostigma Philodendron. Because of this, we were most anxious to attempt hybridization between this plant and other meconostigma Philodendron species that we know to be sensitive to excess water.

Philodendron paludicola bloom 1
Philodendron paludicola bloom 2

Above are views of the full bloom. Note that this is at night, when the bloom was at female anthesis.

Philodendron paludicola fruiting

In the picture above you can see a ripened "pod" of P. paludicola berries. In our experience, these are, arguably, the gooiest and messiest berries from which to extract the seeds for planting!

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