Anthurium sp. "Jamaican"

We collected this plant in 1979 on the way to the Blue Mountain peak in Jamaica. It was growing on a clifflike embankment left after the road was cut through many years previous to our visit. We brought back several specimens and released one or two to collectors.
The plant pictured is well over 25 years old and has survived cold weather, hurricane Andrew, soaking rains, drought conditions, neglect; in short, just about any kind of abuse that a plant is likely to be subject to under ordinary growing conditions.
In recent years, our attention has turned to the development of landscape-quality Anthuriums with exceptional hardiness and beauty. Therefore, we consider this plant to be the foundation of our relatively new Anthurium breeding program, and it has already yielded some very interesting hybrids (in seed and seedling at this time), with more to come.
| In the Lab | In the Field | The Species | Fruiting | The Hybrids |