Alocasia zebrina

Alocasia zebrina is a tender tropical Alocasia with stunning zebra-stripes on the petioles. The leaves of this plant are thicker overall than those on A. odora or A. macrorrhizos. Our objective in using this plant in our work is to get the petiole stripes onto a larger terrestrial plant like A. odora or A. 'Borneo Giant', which would be a spectacular sight as a focal point in a landscape planting.
The second picture shows more closely the petiole coloration. Some selections of this species have more pronounced or contrasting coloration than others. This plant is very similar to A. wenzelii and so collectors are advised to be certain of their source in order to be sure they have the species in question.

Above picture shows a mature A. zebrina with emerging inflorescences.
| In the Lab | In the Field | The Species | Fruiting | The Hybrids |