Alocasia sinuata

This Alocasia was being sold by Agristarts as "Alocasia sinuata" although we are very uncertain about the true specific name for this plant. Nonetheless, we include it here because we have successfully hybridized with it, using Alocasia macrorrhizos "Big Mac" as the ovule parent. The single surviving progeny is already showing signs of becoming a very large plant, looking much like the A. sinuata yet less sinuate and all green in color. Considering the mature sizes of both parents, the hybrid is bound to be massive.
Alocasia sinuata comes in more than one form; we have one that is suffused with reddish brown coloration throughout the leaves and petioles, and this coloration is not chimeric. We have bloomed it and had success with hybridizing; the bloom is a typical A. macrorrhizos - type bloom..
In some ways, this plant looks like the Alocasia x portora, but several characteristics distinguish it from that hybrid, not the least of which is the multidimensional sinuation in the leaf blades of this plant.
The plant illustrated was shot growing at a nursery in the Homestead area.
| In the Lab | In the Field | The Species | Fruiting | The Hybrids |