Anthurium clarinervum

One of the most well-known of the Anthurium species grown for their foliage, this plant has also been a subject of hybridization for some time now. The dream of many breeders has been to get the blooms of the Anthurium andreanum types onto a plant with leaves like this plant has. Alas, the results have been leaves like the A. andreanum has with inflorescences as this plant has!
All is not lost, however, as we have seedlings of a cross between this plant and Anthurium ochranthum. Our goal is to have the look of this plant with the exquisite fragrance emitted by the blooms of A. ochranthum. Our plants are too young to demonstrate this yet, but as soon as we know, we'll report it here.
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| In the Lab | In the Field | The Species | Fruiting | The Hybrids |