Alocasia type C

Alocasia type C

Alocasia type C

Alocasia type C is a very attractive "jewel" Alocasia species that has some similarities to plants in the longiloba/lowii complex. We've had this specimen for several years now and it has bloomed a number of times already. This plant will go dormant if temperatures are too cool (below 50 degrees F) but recovers nicely once temperatures warm to the 70s and 80s F. As one of the "jewels", A. type C should be planted in a well-draining mix, and the pot should not be larger than a 1 gallon size.

We have demonstrated berry set using this plant as one of the parents and a large hybrid involving plants in the A. macrorrhizos group as the other parent, and our work with A. type C continues.

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